Pilates & Picnic
6:00 PM18:00

Pilates & Picnic

6th Annual Pilates & Picnic!! Come take a Pilates class on the beach! And stay after for charcuterie, cheese and wine in a picnic setting. We’ll meet in Ocean City on 142nd street. 6-8:30 pm. Class will start around 6:15 we’ll do a 30 minute class and then enjoy an amazing beach picnic with beautiful ambience and amazing food from The Tradition Begins! No Pilates experience is necessary. Make it a girls night out! Bring your sister or friends! Check out all their beautiful work on their Instagram page @thetraditionbegins. Space is limited so make sure to sign up early. $75

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Anti-aging Workshop
3:00 PM15:00

Anti-aging Workshop

Discover natural methods to combat aging in our Anti-Aging Workshop, where you will learn the fundamentals of Face Yoga to strengthen facial muscles and reduce the appearance of sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. This comprehensive class also covers rejuvenation techniques, dietary advice, and skincare tips to help you achieve a youthful glow from the inside out. July 23 3:00 pm

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Pelvic Floor Workshop & Deep Core Conditioning
3:00 PM15:00

Pelvic Floor Workshop & Deep Core Conditioning

This workshop will work on developing, strengthening and deepening the pelvic floor muscles and core muscles, releasing the dominant stabilizing muscles like the hip flexors and glutes. We’ll be using a Pilates prop to help you train those tiny muscles to really work hard and stabilize again. These exercises with help with urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Learn natural alternatives that help with prolapse and incontinence. Women shouldn’t have to live with this happening to their bodies and a hysterectomy should not be the only option for healing. I feel strongly about this and women’s health. I myself have corrected pelvic organ prolapse twice now from 3 large babies and living with a connective tissue disease. Women shouldn’t have to be embarrassed, live with the idea that this is normal as well have surgery as an only option when we can heal ourselves. This workshop is a small group, max is 7 women. Reserving your spot is highly recommended. Cost: $90

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Heal Yourself Workshop! Herbs, Homeopathy & More!
3:00 PM15:00

Heal Yourself Workshop! Herbs, Homeopathy & More!

Join the Heal Yourself Workshop to explore a comprehensive approach to wellness through herbalism, nutrition, and alternative therapies. Led by Kelly, who has navigated her own health challenges, this workshop offers practical insights and techniques that can empower you to enhance your mind, body, and soul. Discover the transformative potential of healing practices while learning to cultivate your own health in a supportive environment.

Learn all the tips, tricks and tools Kelly has taught herself and learned through out her adult life. Living with multiple autonomic nervous syndromes, countless injuries, 2 heart surgeries and being bed ridden for almost a year. She’ll share her ups and downs, what worked and what didn’t, things she learned and what she added to heal her body, mind and soul through out the last 12+ years.

We’ll incorporate things like herbalism, supplements, homeopathy, Pilates, diet and nutrition and even gardening and growing some of your own food. We only get one body and your health is priceless. Sometimes a new alternative protocol can make all the difference in how you are feeling. If you like to know more about Kelly please visit our website under “Meet Kelly” for her bio and more about her background. Cost of the workshop is $90.

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Reduce Inflammation & Learn Lymphatic Draining!
3:00 PM15:00

Reduce Inflammation & Learn Lymphatic Draining!

This class will teach you how to reduce inflammation through out the body as well as techniques for Lymphatic Draining to help reduce pain and swelling. Learn the techniques that you can do at home to boost your immune system by reducing inflammatory habits, foods as well movements and techniques you can work on daily to help reduce puffiness, bloat, pain and discomfort and set backs in your healing recovery. We all need tools in our toolbox to be able to help ourselves especially when we’re not feeling our best! This is the class to get your jumpstarted! Cost $85

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2:00 PM14:00

FACE YOGA-Mouth, Jaw and Neck

Learn the exercises for your face to reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, sagging jaws and necklines, lift the cheeks and eyes, reduce tension, improve posture! Cost $75 each includes a healthy snack!
July 20th at 2 pm Face Yoga for the Eyes & Forehead!
August 9th at 2 pm Face Yoga for the Lips, Chin, Jaw and Neck.

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4:00 PM16:00

Fascia Release Workshop

Get rid of cellulite, fight wrinkles and learn to experience the benefits of self-myofascial release and help to hydrate tissue caused by poor posture or injury. Walk away with valuable exercises and techniques to use everyday. We’ll use the Fascia blasters, bolsters, spiky balls and more props to help you learn how to release the fascia and how to continue a practice at home.

Cost per session $75.

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4:00 PM16:00

Pilates For Golfers


Use the functional movement of Pilates to increase your power, find rotation, strengthen your core and gain flexibility to improve your game, fitness level and reduce pain. Pilates works on stability, strength, and mobility. By working on strengthening the glutes and core, Pilates can help golfers increase distance with their swing. In working the deepest abdominal and back muscles, golfers are likely to be stronger and minimize pain and injury. Workshop is $95

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4:00 PM16:00

Pilates For Golfers


Use the functional movement of Pilates to increase your power, find rotation, strengthen your core and gain flexibility to improve your game, fitness level and reduce pain. Pilates works on stability, strength, and mobility. By working on strengthening the glutes and core, Pilates can help golfers increase distance with their swing. In working the deepest abdominal and back muscles, golfers are likely to be stronger and minimize pain and injury. Workshop is $95

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Fascia & Food!
4:00 PM16:00

Fascia & Food!

Get rid of cellulite, fight wrinkles and learn to experience the benefits of self myofascial release and help to hydrate tissue caused by poor posture or injury. Walk away with valuable exercises and techniques to use everyday. We’ll use the Ashley Black Facia blasters, bolsters, spiky balls and more props to help you learn how to release the fascia and how to continue a practice at home.

Then learn and taste 2 new healthy recipes to help to reduce fat and cellulite (Fascia)

Cost per session $95.

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4:00 PM16:00

Pilates For Golfers

Use the functional movement of Pilates to increase your power, find rotation, strengthen your core and gain flexibility to improve your game, fitness level and reduce pain. Pilates works on stability, strength, and mobility. By working on strengthening the glutes and core, Pilates can help golfers increase distance with their swing. In working the deepest abdominal and back muscles, golfers are likely to be stronger and minimize pain and injury. Workshop is $95

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Summer Floral Design Workshop with Little Miss Lovely
4:00 PM16:00

Summer Floral Design Workshop with Little Miss Lovely

Celebrate Summer and design a seasonal floral arrangement with Little Miss Lovely using an assortment of colorful, locally grown flowers. With guidance and direction from Little Miss Lovely, you will create your very own small flower arrangement in a unique vase that you can display and enjoy at your home. Flowers, supplies, and all tools needed to complete the design will be provided by Little Miss Lovely. We’ll have healthy bites. You can bring your own wine for yourself or to share!!! $60 per person. Limited to 15 spaces. You can learn more about Ami and her business @ www.littlemisslovely.co

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4:00 PM16:00

Pilates For Golfers


Use the functional movement of Pilates to increase your power, find rotation, strengthen your core and gain flexibility to improve your game, fitness level and reduce pain. Pilates works on stability, strength, and mobility. By working on strengthening the glutes and core, Pilates can help golfers increase distance with their swing. In working the deepest abdominal and back muscles, golfers are likely to be stronger and minimize pain and injury. Workshop is $75 a piece or $200 for all 3.

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National Pilates Day! Take a Mat Class and Celebrate with US!!
9:00 AM09:00

National Pilates Day! Take a Mat Class and Celebrate with US!!

Saturday, ay 4th is National Pilates Day! And we’ll be celebrating with a Pilates Mat class that Saturday morning! Wear you’re favorite Pilates gear, come ready for a fun class of strength and movement. We’ll have some healthy munchies and some giveaways! Space is limited so make sure to sign up on the app to reserve your spot!!

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Pilates & Pinot for Cystic Fibrosis
4:30 PM16:30

Pilates & Pinot for Cystic Fibrosis

Take a Pilates mat class just in time for happy hour! Stay for a glass of wine, a little bite to eat and a little shopping in the boutique! First 5 people to sign up for class will get a fabulous Beach Pilates and Wellness swag bag! Class fee is $25.

Portion of fee will be donated to the Annapolis Cystic Fibrosis Chapter. (One of Kelly's best friends' have twins with CF and are spending a lot of time in the hospital lately We're hoping we can do our best to help find a cure.)

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Slow Flow Yoga, Guided Meditation & Sound Experience
5:00 PM17:00

Slow Flow Yoga, Guided Meditation & Sound Experience

Join Tana for a midweek break that will restore your energy that will get your through the rest of the week.

For 90 minutes you'll have the freedom to focus on what you really need. Grounding yourself through movement, connecting to Spirit through guided meditation & receiving the sound/vibration of the singing bowls amplifying healing and relaxation.

During the sound experience you will be lying down.
We will provide blankets but if you have any bolsters or blankets that you like to use to get comfy, bring them!

Cost is $30 

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Couples Massage Demonstration with Licensed Massage Therapist Jami Citrano
5:00 PM17:00

Couples Massage Demonstration with Licensed Massage Therapist Jami Citrano

Join Jami Citrano and Certified Raw Chef, Kelly Hughes Roberts for a night of couples massage instruction and delicious healthy bites. Jami Citrano will offer partners the opportunity to learn how to give each other a massage that address common areas of tension. She will teach techniques that are effective and easy to learn. Each person will have the chance to give and receive with support in the process of learning.

Jami will offer instruction on how to give each other a massage in a way that feels good and provides relief. In this setting couples can give and receive feedback and
learn how to massage each other effectively. Couples are encouraged to dress comfortably and be ready for a fun relaxing night!

Jami has been providing massages for over 14 years and has been voted Best Massage Therapist multiple times.
In addition to her private practice, Jami also works at Atlantic General Hospital in the Regional Care center providing oncology massage for patients and caregivers.
As a massage therapist on the Eastern Shore for over a decade, she has developed a good rapport with area doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists.

Kelly Hughes Roberts, is the owner of Beach Pilates and Wellness Studio. She is a Certified Pilates Instructor, Holistic Health Coach and Raw Chef. We'll be enjoying a few of her original healthy recipes from her cookbooks. Kelly is also the owner of Kelly Hughes Roberts/Farm Foodie Fitness, an online health and wellness membership that offers 24/7 accessibility to online Pilates workouts, nutrition counseling, and a health and wellness community. Kelly is also a published author. You can check out everything she has to offer on either or her sites.

Cost is $99 per couple. Space is limited.

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Pilates in the Garden at Good Earth Market
9:00 AM09:00

Pilates in the Garden at Good Earth Market

We're grabbing our Mats and headed to the garden for some Pilates in the Garden at Good Earth Market!

Join Beach Pilates & Wellness for a Pilates Mat class in the gardens at Good Earth Market in Ocean View, DE. Then stay after for Mimosas, Bloodies & the best brunch in town!!

Sundays June 10, July 15 & August 19th
9:00 A.M.

Mat Class is $25 per person. Brunch specials not included in class fee, but not to be missed! Bring your mat if you have one!
Sign up using our Mind Body App or Contact Kelly with questions: beachpilatesde@gmail.com

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Pinot & Pilates
4:00 PM16:00

Pinot & Pilates

Take a Pilates Mat class just in time for happy hour! Stay after for a glass of wine, a bite to eat, a little shopping. First 15 people to sign up for class will get a killer swag bag from AthletaÒ  and some extra goodies! Class fee $25. Portion of fee will be donated to the Annapolis Cystic Fibrosis Chapter. (One of Kelly’s best friends has twins with CF and are spending a lot of the time in the hospital lately. We’re hoping we can do our best to help find a cure.)

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Glow Pilates on the Beach
7:30 PM19:30

Glow Pilates on the Beach

We're making class a little more fun this summer! Take a Pilates mat class on the beach as the moon rises over the ocean. We'll supply the glow sticks and bracelets. We'll meet for class on 142nd Street in Ocean City. Bring a friend too! Class fee $20

Sign up to reserve your spot http://www.beachpilatesandwellness.com:: http://www.beachpilatesandwellness.com

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Pilates in the Garden at Good Earth Market
9:00 AM09:00

Pilates in the Garden at Good Earth Market

We're grabbing our Mats and headed to the garden for some Pilates in the Garden at Good Earth Market!


Join Beach Pilates & Wellness for a Pilates Mat class in the gardens at Good Earth Market in Dagsboro, DE. Then stay after for Mimosas, Bloodies & the best brunch in town!!

Sundays June 10, July 15 & August 19th
9:00 A.M.

Mat Class is $25 per person. Brunch specials not included in class fee, but not to be missed! Bring your mat if you have one!
Sign up using our Mind Body App or Contact Kelly with questions: beachpilatesde@gmail.com

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to Jan 14

Teacher Training


The 2018 Teacher Training begins January 13-14 for a 5 weekend series through April. Sessions run Saturdays and Sundays from 7:30 am-5:30pm. For more information contact Kelly at beachpilatesde@gmail.com

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12:00 PM12:00

Renew and Release Workshop


Learn the art of fascia release with the balls, bolsters, and stretching straps. Learn how to cure your aching feet, release tight calves, thighs, and buttocks using props and exercises specific to different areas of the lower body. Karen Hughes will be teaching the event. She her fabulous bio below!

Karen Hughes, PTA, BS Degree in Health and Physical Education from Salisbury University, PHD in Naturopathy. She is the owner of Peninsula Pilates and Wellness. Hughes has been instructing fitness classes and programs for 30 years. She is a licensed physical therapist assistant but now does Pilates programming full time with an emphasis on Post Rehabilitation instruction in all fields of Physical Therapy.


$55 per person

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6:30 PM18:30

Beauty From the Inside Out

Holy Kale! Learn how what you consume, apply, and use in your body, on your skin, and come in contact with every day, defines your appearance, how your body functions, and how well you age. Certified Holistic Health Coach, Pilates Instructor, and Raw Chef Kelly Roberts will take you through the secrets of looking, feeling, and preserving your skin and appearance, how your body functions and provides for you on a daily basis. Learn the secrets of the trade using holistic methods for skin care, health and wellness, and weight loss and detoxification.


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4:00 PM16:00

Barre at the Bar

Grab your girls and join us for a barre class at the studio at 4 pm. Then we'll head over to 14 Global Restaurant in downtown Bethany immediately after class, to enjoy appetizers and drinks or even dinner at one of the area's best restaurants. Make it a girl's night! Hang out and enjoy a relaxing night and eating incredible food! $20 per person.

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12:30 PM12:30

Chair Yoga Class

There are many ways of doing yoga poses. This practice is gentle and for people who wish to relieve stress, be revitalized and heal. The practice is done seated in a chair or by using the chair for support and balance. Suitable for people of any age and will benefit many health conditions.


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