This workshop will work on developing, strengthening and deepening the pelvic floor muscles and core muscles, releasing the dominant stabilizing muscles like the hip flexors and glutes. We’ll be using a Pilates prop to help you train those tiny muscles to really work hard and stabilize again. These exercises with help with urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. Learn natural alternatives that help with prolapse and incontinence. Women shouldn’t have to live with this happening to their bodies and a hysterectomy should not be the only option for healing. I feel strongly about this and women’s health. I myself have corrected pelvic organ prolapse twice now from 3 large babies and living with a connective tissue disease. Women shouldn’t have to be embarrassed, live with the idea that this is normal as well have surgery as an only option when we can heal ourselves. This workshop is a small group, max is 7 women. Reserving your spot is highly recommended. Cost: $90
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Earlier Event: July 23
Anti-aging Workshop
Later Event: August 20
Heal Yourself Workshop! Herbs, Homeopathy & More!